Saturday, May 12, 2012

Finshing The Bodice Inside

There have been some changes and developments on how to finish the inside of the bodices. I had originally thought to line them after all the decoration was applied. I thought this would cover any stitching and make it look clean inside. I could also have made it long enough to fold up and slip-stitched over the seam allowance of the skirt and bodice where they attach. But when I mentioned this to my tutor at my fittings she said it wasn't usually how costumes were finished, that lining is something done more in fashion. This is because a working costume needs to be easily adaptable for a show, so having a cumbersome lining only makes it more difficult. This made sense but I also wanted to use the seam allowance as casing for the bones and I didn't want to put too many stitch lines through the front. So to make it look neat and tidy I folded over all the seam allowance and slip-stitched it down. This way there were slots for the bones where needed but they all looked uniform and neat. And if every they needed to altered or let out, they could be easily opened and adjusted. To finish the neck-line (before the decoration was applied) I added a small facing. I originally had made it a little wider but it conflicted more with width of the shoulder so I had to trim it down. I feel like this has made the inside of the costume very neat without too much hassle or bulky extra fabric. I will probably finish the hem with piping and a facing as well. I also think that the stitching lines that are holding down the surface decoration look neat and tidy as well.

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