Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Putting the Shirt Together

Putting the shirt together is a relatively speedy process once the pattern pieces are cut out. By looking at the example shirt I can gauge how to construct it fairly easily. What was helpful was taking a moment before I started sewing to make a kind of plan for myself of how to approach making the shirt. First I started by making the front and then planned on making the sleeves and then putting it all together. Taking a moment to look over the example I made plan of action I made little notes like this:
Sleeve Opening on front is 13”
So sew up the sides 13”from the top plus s/a
Do shoulder seams 2” from the neck end
Insert triangle at neck, over-locking before hand
Cut down front to put in button stand
This made things easier when I started putting things together because I already had a thought out list to look at and I think that really helped speed up the process. Being able to plan and think ahead is really coming in useful for making this shirt. It is a good thing to have to think about. ‘Do I need to over-lock this edge before I sew it, how much seam allowance do I need, if I put this in first will it be in the way when I attach it to..?’ This shirt is becoming a good exercise in thinking ahead. 

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