Friday, May 6, 2011

The Third Sleeve

Today I discovered a mistake I had made in the very beginning of making this blouse. I cut out two of the same sleeves. It is a common mistake when cutting out patterns on one thickness instead of two. I do think for smaller garments that cutting out on single thickness can be neater but it runs at a high risk. This is also a devastating discovery because I have already put the cuffs on both sleeves. Luckily I have enough fabric to cut another sleeve out and the cuff doesn’t need to be re-made just taken off the incorrect sleeve and put on the correct. This also gives me a chance to re-make my sleeve opening at the cuff with a little more accuracy, since I’ve practiced on the other two sleeves. This is a set-back that could mean a change in my time plan. In a work room this would be a huge mistake depending on time and the cost of the fabric. It is a good experience in remembering to take my time on each step and stay focused. 

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