Saturday, March 5, 2011

18th Century Jacket and Breeches

18th Century Coat and Breeches made for a mock production of Candide the operetta (inspired by the novel by Voltaire). My character was Martin who is a poor pessimist, the opposite of Candide the perpetual optimist. He is run-down, old and has had a hard life. In the book his first description is
                “of a poor scholar who had spent 10years working for Amsterdam publishers. He
                judged that there was no profession on earth with which a man could be more
                thoroughly disgusted.”
He has many clever quotes once he arrives in the book but none sum up his general attitude and its origin quite like this:
                “’ You’re a bitter man,’ said Candide
                ‘That’s because I’ve lived,’ said Martin’”

To create the character the velvet was dyed two shades of a faded black and distressed in parts to show wear and tear. The costume will be worn in a character parade at the end of March, photos of the performer wearing this costume and in full make-up to follow! 

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