Sunday, March 13, 2011


It is important at the beginning of a Self Directed Project to spend plenty of time planning each aspect of the project.  Here is a simple break-down of my project and my calender plan to complete it:
What am I doing:
I am making four garments for the National Theatre Hire Department. I will be making a pair of breeches, matching waistcoat, man's white shirt, and a woman's blouse. 
Why am I doing this:
To gain experience in making professional garments, to improve and gain confidence in may abilities as a maker, and to gain some insight into working as a maker in a work-room setting.
How am I doing this:
This next question should seem like an easy and difficult question to answer. Firstly, if I'm being a little cheeky, I would say I am going to sew these garments with needle and thread drawing on the knowledge of previous classes and lectures. And perhaps in a nut-shell that is what this project is; but as I sat down to make a schedule I realized that time management was going to go hand-in-hand with my making skills if I wanted to be successful in this project.

The Calender and The Plan:
With a calender lay-out for March, April, and May I began to chart out what days I would have tutorials, classes, and work time. Although this is a longer project than others an infinite amount of time is something it doesn't have. To better manage myself and keep focused I set a few goals for when I would like to have things completed. I decided the breeches would be a good place to start because I made a pair similar to them in the last unit and it would be a good challenging first piece. Naturally I wanted to follow up the breeches with the matching waistcoat to finish the set and continue using the same fabric and thread as before.  
Breeches: Begin Monday March 14---- Finish on Friday March 25 
Waistcoat: Begin Monday March 28----Finish on Thursday April 28
There is a very large space alloted for the waistcoat but that is because from Wednesday April 6 through Wednesday April 27 I will be away for Easter Holiday. When I return I will begin work right away on the male shirt and finish right on time with the woman's blouse. I felt like both these shirts would be good to make after the holidays because there is less time but hopefully they will be straight forward garments and I am also looking forward to making the decorative blouse front!
Male Shirt: Begin Thursday April 28----Finish on Wednesday May 4
Female Blouse: Begin Thursday May 5----Finish on Friday April 13
Along with the calender I had set a more daily goal of coming in Monday through Friday 9.30-4.30 to spend as time in the studio working (allowing of course for lectures and tutorials)

Planning for a Self Directed Project is ever evolving but with time management, monthly and weekly goals, and a solid routine I feel I will be able to complete this project successfully! 

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