Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reflection on Time Management So Far

So far I am happy with my time management and scheduling. It's nice to have a calendar that plans for the long run and the goals I had set for starting and completing each garment haven't changed too much. But now I am planning more directly each day and each week. Having started with the breeches I knew I had a day to cut out, a morning to mark tack, a day for the full front, ect. When the welted pocket took me longer than I anticipated I made sure to compensate that time later in the week by staying for late night study. I finished my breeches on Thursday March 24 (technically a day early but Friday was spent on a class trip so more or less on time)! It is a matter of pacing myself, and not rushing, but staying focused and committed. Today I cut out my waistcoat and plan on really working this week to get most of it done. Although I had set the time for the waistcoat to be finished as after the holiday I have set myself the new goal of finishing it before the holiday. I feel like the work would be more consistent without a long break in the middle and it would be better to come back from the holiday and start something fresh and new.

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