Thursday, October 6, 2011

Buying Supplies

One of the keys of this project is working as a team for a live show. This means not only working as a making team but working with the designer and supervisor. Our production supervisor Grace sent out this message recently:

Original Message:
Hi Girls,
Hope your all well.
I haven’t yet received the budget however I want to get it clear in my head what is needed for each costume, so I can divide the budget accordingly.
Please could you all have a think about all the components of your costume, and email me everything you think you will need with an idea of how much of it as well. For example, fabric, cotton, buttons, trimmings, beading etc etc. 
This would be so helpful for me as I can then divide the budget between you all.

Thank you so much.
Look forward to hearing from you.
 Love Grace x

My Reply:
Hi Grace! Here is my list, I think this will be everything I need, but I'm also just guessing. And as for the amounts they are all kind of relative too, since I haven't made trousers or this style shirt yet.

Fabric: about 2.5 to 3 meters
At least two buttons for braces
canvas for at waist: not much maybe .25 meters
Closers (not entirely sure what will be used yet, snaps or hooks&eyes or a zipper so I'll get back to you on that)
Green thread 1 to 2 spools
Tailoring Basting thread: 1 spool

1 meter of fabric maybe 1.5 to be double sure, especially if it's cheap
maybe a few snaps or hooks and eyes
a pair of socks
1 spool of thread to match socks

Fabric: about 2.75 to 3 meters (maybe 3 just to be sure)
8 buttons
1 to 2 spools thread to match fabric
maybe .5 meter stayflex for collar and cuffs

Fabric: 1 meter, maybe 1.5 is checked
size 3/8 buttons ( I don't have a copy of the design so I can't count them but maybe get two extra just in case one falls off or gets lost)
Silesia to match 3 meters
1 spool tailor's basting thread
1 to 2 spools thread
canvas about 1.5 meters
small amount of stayflex

Okay I hope this helps! Let me know if you think something's missing or if you need more info!
Emily Manning x

When I received this email initially I was anxious about writing my reply. I wasn’t sure I could accurately judge lengths needed or possibly know all the supplies. I’m sure Grace wasn’t seeing this preliminary list as all we will ever need but I wanted to make it as detailed as possible. I think this was actually a helpful opening exercise. It got me thinking about all the supplies I will need and the potential making process for each garment. In future projects where I buy the supplies it'll be important to make lists like this throughout. As a free-lance maker I may need to quote an amount for the supplies for the client and making a supplies list will be key.  As a maker I also really appreciate that our supervisor is keen on getting us all the supplies we need as soon as possible, by taking the initiative at the beginning of this project it will, hopefully, make getting the supplies smoother for both of us.

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