Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Tutorial

I had my first tutorial today for my Extended Major Project. I had my book with the illustrations with me and a lot of ideas, however that was it. It wasn't the smoothest meeting. I think I really need to define my idea; investigating more of the context and really developing what I am trying to say.  From the tutorial I came away with these notes:
*Create essentially the same corset
*maybe a more standard corset made of just cotton drill
* Do one corset fancy and one plain
* Two different under-structures in terms of technique
*Same style on top
*Maintain a sense of lightness
*Show as wide a range as possible
* Not much that is man-made, create as much as possible.

In terms of a first meeting about my project it wasn't the most positive. I think a lot of this stems from me being slightly unprepared. I think I've got a million ideas but I should have done some sketching or maybe lists or something to better prepare myself for questions. The main thing my tutor kept stressing was "How are the two dresses going to be different? Because it seems like essentially I am making the same dress." I can understand how it seems like that from just learning about the project without sketches or anything. In my head they are very different, they are a slightly different characters and even dresses for a different occasions and both are essential to telling the story that is in the book. I also think I want to explore the idea of making slightly different undergarments for each and creating maybe different silhouettes. For the last few projects I've been given a design and done research and development but not to this extent. Before discussing my project again with my tutor I will need to do more research and development to better explain my ideas and really decide what I want my work to say.

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