Friday, April 29, 2011

Waistcoat Evaluation

Waistcoat Front
Waistcoat Back

I am very pleased with my finished waistcoat. This was an interesting garment to make because it was a cross between a tailored waistcoat (like the one we made at the beginning of the year) and a costume waistcoat. I was able to use many of the skills learned in tailoring while making the waistcoat like tacking in the canvas and general techniques for precision and accuracy. I also was learned a different type of pocket for a waistcoat besides a welted pocket. This was a success and after making a sample first I fully understood how to make them on my waistcoat. It was a new skill learned. Just like breeches there is a lot of hand-sewing as well as machine sewing, I think this turned out to be very successful, and I think the stab-stitching is a very neat and crisp way of finishing an edge. One of the areas I struggled with one the waistcoat was slip-stitching around the arm-hole. I think it could have been a little neater and more even the whole way around. I also found it difficult fitting the lining into the waistcoat, once the hem was bagged out, when I couldn’t find a mannequin that fit. These are small challenges I feel I could correct were I to make another period waist-coat. 

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