Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Waistcoat Pockets

Waistcoat Pocket Trial
This is my example or first try for my waistcoat pockets. I wanted to make sure I did a trial before I worked on my real waistcoat front pieces. This was a new process for me and after having our tutor explain it I thought I should experiment to make sure I really thoroughly understood the process. Unlike the welted pocket and cash pocket of the breeches this cash pocket was as easy as it sounded. Having said that this pocket is not perfect by any means. It is a little too big and obviously uneven. The sides/ends are uneven and is pulling the fabric. This trial run was such an important step for me do before starting the real pocket. It gave me the chance to try without the fear of failure and helped me better understand elements of the pocket like the pocket bag size and the size of the mouth.
Finished Pocket on Waistcoat
Finished Pocket Flap on Waistcoat
These are the finished pockets on my one side of my waistcoat. They are much more successful than the initial try and I am very pleased with the result. I think this pocket is much neater and more even. For things like pockets, especially when they are new, it is so useful and helpful to create a sample first. It is something that I can now keep, long after I turn in the waistcoat, that will remind me of how I made this pocket.

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