Sunday, November 27, 2011

Breaking Down Research

Here is some of the research I gathered before starting the breaking down process:

Still from ‘My Boy Jack’. (n.d.). [Online Image]. Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2011].

I felt like this was a strong image because it is in colour and is from a film set in WW1. The breaking down, especially on the trousers, is really intense. It is obviously raining and muddy and extreme. I won't be taking my trousers this far because the character hasn't really been in the trenches. He is more of a deserter and a wanderer. 

National Library of Scotland. Soldier’s Comrades Watching  Him As He Sleeps. (n.d.). [Online Image]. Available from:

I also find this image useful in gathering breaking down information and kind of a general feeling for the character of Soldier. His relaxed position and the feeling he is young and not so aware is good for the character of Soldier. Even though this picture is in black and white it still gives a lot of useful information on where things were broken down ans what got the most muddy and the dirtiest.
Covey, L., Ingham, R. (1992) The Costume Technician’s Handbook. New Hampshire: Heinemann  Education Books Inc. 
Covey, L., Ingham, R. (1992) The Costume Technician’s Handbook. New Hampshire: Heinemann  Education Books Inc. 
These two images/scans are from a costume book and have some useful text about breaking down. Although I  might not use every technique mentioned it is a good starting point to get me thinking about how to start.

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