Friday, November 4, 2011

Waistcoat Pockets

Finished Waistcoat Pocket

Finished Waistcoat Pocket

Here are my finished waistcoat pockets, on the actual waistcoat fronts. I think they are very successful and I am proud of how the lines match up. I found creating these pockets very tedious and stressful due to the strong pattern; it took s few tries on each side for me to get it right, but I think the final product was worth the extra time.

Evaluation: I am very happy with how these pockets turned out. They were very challenging to line up because of the several different coloured stripes. I also have never worked with such a lightweight wool and had to adjust how I approached the pockets because the fabric didn't always stay where pinned. I think this is probably one of the most challenging tailoring fabrics I could have worked with and probably will ever work with; so I feel like my efforts were not wasted because I was really challenging myself. I have learned that tacking is very very important, to measure twice cut once, and to double check everything before I cut into anything.

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