Over this past week I attended a lecture by the author, sceneographer, and much more Pamela Howard. Any designer/theatre/film person worth his salt will have a copy of her book "What is Sceneography" a term she coined herself. It was an amazing lecture with great visuals and interesting subject matter. I've compiled a few little nuggets of wisdom I collected from her lecture seen below (In no particular order):
*Figure out how to be active and pro-active
*Go through your career making sure "you will not be labeled"
*The division of space can tell the whole story
*Finding the right metaphor that makes the space of the show
*Read the newspaper and watch t.v. to get ideas--"live in the present"
*Everyone in life will probably say 'absolutely not'---it's really the moment to say 'I will do it'. That is when you do a sketch or model--"less talk more show", let your work be your ambassador
*Never get in a confrontational position- develop a personal strategy to over-come but you can't always win
*Be a compulsive observer of human nature
*Keep sketch-books and observe and keep it as your own observations for future reference
*Use very simple things and explore the vertical space as well as the horizontal
* Making a rich theater space out of very little means
* Drawings done on simple materials--- Whole Foods bags; handles left on and backed in board, easily transported and easy to exhibit
*In a sketch include the character, space, and relative object so it completes the character
*Treat every theatre like a site specific
*We are always stuck and desperate--nature of our work, not a bad thing
* Don't worry whether you can draw just let your work be your ambassador.
This was truly an amazing lecture, it contained interesting ideas and tips for anyone in this industry and gave me a better insight into how designers work and the possibilities within the industry.
For more information on Pamela Howard here is her website:
All my own notes.
Howard, P. (2011). Costume with Performance Design. Arts
Insitute at Bournemouth. 1 November.
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