Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Draping Princess Silhouette

Using my historical research and line drawings I draped Princess Silhouette's dress. I also opted not to put the corset on the mannequin for draping this dress for the same reason, I didn't want it to get damaged in any way. I also used a basic stomacher to better get the shape of the corset.

The Bodice:

After draping Princess Colour's bodice this seemed relatively simpler because it had fewer pieces.  But it was still just as challenging, especially with the stomacher. I am really pleased with the results.

The Skirt:

Very simply: I just used the skirt from Princess Colour's toile for this toile. Since they will be same it made sense to not waste the time making the skirt again.

The Sleeves:

For these sleeves I decided to also use fabric that could be top fabric and the correct weight. I also decided to make three channels on this sleeve. Looking through the book at various illustrations of the silhouette Princess the sleeve looks a bit different from how it does in the colour illustrations, so I wanted to make it different. I have the feeling they might be a little too long, but only a fitting will tell!

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