Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Photoshoot Preperation and Ideas

Although I have been having a difficult time sticking to my time plan I knew I wanted/needed to finish and photograph my underwear before the Easter Holidays. I had some finishing to do before the photoshoot but I also had some planning for the photoshoot itself. I will be using imagery from the book for the final dress photos but this shoot could be completely up to me. I don't feel like I need to follow the book for this because it isn't directly related, however I wanted to keep a similar tone of grace and elegance. I've come up with these general words for how I wanted things to end up looking:
Fresh Faced

I am lucky to have some great people to help me on this shoot. Nelly Nguyen and Camilla Arnhold were my photographers, Sarah Harrison was my make-up artist, and Ellen Hughes was my assistant. I went over some general ideas and desires for the shot with Nelly and Camilla mostly just telling them the over-all feeling I wanted to evoke and showing them this image:
Nana 2012. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 07 April, 2012, from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/402465/Nana
 This painting by Manet really has the feel I am looking for. I like her stance and her facial expression as she takes on the viewer with a kind of nonchalant look. I also like the man in the back-ground because underwear in some aspects is always meant to be seen and the decoration on my under-garments certainly plays to that ideal as well.

For my meeting with Sarah I expressed my general ideas. What I was sure on was how I wanted the hair. I wanted Rose's hair to be french-braided down her back and Camilla's fish-tail braided down her back. I like this style because it is simple and elegant but still interesting. Also they would look very similar from the front and similar with a slight twist from the back; these play in nicely with the whole theme of similar but different that will be played out in the final dresses. Here are some hair images I found online and sent to Sarah.

http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?start=87&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=sZw&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla: tumblr_lg61e1I2pz1qc891yo1_500.jpg

Next came the type of make-up I wanted. Dewy was my key word but I wanted to keep it simple. I don't feel like I knew exactly what I wanted til I started looking at images online. I knew I wanted something fresh new morning with a kind of bright eye with a little high-lighting. Here are the images I sent to Sarah; I found most of them by simply typing in 'runway make-up':


There are similar elements in all these pictures that made me choose them. They are the simple eyes keeping them mostly clean and light and the direct application of colour to the cheeks. I really want to highlight these two areas: around the eyes and the cheeks. I think a lot of it will come together while the make-up is being done.

Aside from hair, make-up and photos my styling part is mostly done. The only other item I am looking to supply some shoes. I am hoping to find nude ballet flats for both.

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