Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Updated Learning Agreement

Due to a couple of changes and revisions I have up-dated my learning agreement. I'm only going to post the new first paragraph because that is all that has changed:

In my Extended Major Project I will be challenging myself to work as a maker and a designer. I will be interpreting two illustrations by Sarah Gibb in the children’s book: The Princess Who Has No Kingdom; one is the Princess and the other is the same character in silhouette. To accompany these dresses, as the other half of this unit, I will be making appropriate under-garments to create the silhouettes and enhance each costume. This project will give me a challenge that I might be faced with in the future as a maker. I am viewing the story as a script, the illustrations as loose designs. It is my task to look into the story and develop a context that will read through the costume and compliment the character of the Princess. One of the biggest challenges I am faced with is to make the two costumes different while retaining a quiet similarity. This will be achieved with the help of different under-garments, subtle variations in line, and a wide range of techniques. Developing new techniques will give me a wider set of skills and a chance to explore surface decoration. I will also be improving my pattern making technique and increase my skill in draping on the stand. My proficiency in budgeting and fabric sourcing will be improved further.
To complete this project I will be creating a methodical time plan that will set weekly goals. To document my progress and discuss challenges, ideas, experimentation and continual evaluation I will be posting on my blog. Both the time plan and the blog will help me to work independently by allowing time for research and noting when the tutors are available. My goals in this project are to enrich my ability to contextually engage in a piece of work and to create a contextual explanation of my ideas through the costume and its photographs. To keep a disciplined time plan and hold myself accountable through my blog posts. And to develop my awareness and skill in appropriate making techniques.

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